Kako je biti univerzitetni študent
Najdi dneve odprtih vrat in prireditve univerz v tvoji regiji. Razišči kakšno je lahko življenje kot univerzitetni študent.

Graduateland offers over 250 internship positions in Belgium from large employers such as KU Leuven, Accenture, EY L'Oreal and Unilever. Additionally, it also overs 14.000 internships that are available abroad.
Država: Belgium

Schule goes Uni
The platform offers information on taster day opportunities at Austrian universities. Furthermore, it also highlights specific opportunities for girls.
Država: Austria

AISEC has a global talent program, which allows young people to put their skills into practice by working in international workplaces as well as develop themselves professionally and personally.
Država: Belgium

ERASMUSINTERN provides an integrated market place that aims at bringing together traineeship providers and students seeking a training opportunity abroad.
Država: Belgium
If you have information about other upcoming events contact us at: office@scichallenge.eu